Comparison Essay Thesis Example
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Compare and contrast essays are academic papers in which a student analyses two or more subjects with each other. To compare means to explore similarities between subjects, while to contrast means to look at their differences. Both subjects of the comparison are usually in the same category, although they have their differences. For example, it can be two movies, two universities, two cars etc.
Good compare and contrast papers focus on a central point, explaining the importance and implications of this analysis. A compare and contrast essay thesis must make a meaningful comparison. Find the central theme of your essay and do some brainstorming for your thesis.
This type of essay is very common among college and university students. Professors challenge their students to use their analytical and comparative skills and pay close attention to the subjects of their comparisons. This type of essay exercises observance and analysis, helps to establish a frame of reference, and makes meaningful arguments about a subject. Let's get deeper with our research writing services.
Another good idea for brainstorming in preparation for your comparison contrast essay is to create a list with 2 columns, one for each subject, and compare the same characteristics for each of them simultaneously. This format will make writing your comparison contrast paper argument a breeze, as you will have your ideas ready and organized.
Arguments for any essay, including compare and contrast essays, need to be supported by sufficient evidence. Make good use of your personal experiences, books, scholarly articles, magazine and newspaper articles, movies, or anything that will make your argument sound credible. For example, in your essay, if you were to compare attending college on campus vs. distance-based learning, you could include your personal experiences of being a student, and how often students show up to class on a daily basis. You could also talk about your experience taking online classes, which makes your argument about online classes credible as well.
When choosing a topic for your essay, remember that subjects cannot be drastically different, because there would be little to no points of comparison (similarities). The same goes for too many similarities, which will result in poor contrasts. For example, it is better to write about two composers, rather than a composer and a singer.
A compare and contrast paper discusses the similarities and differences between two or more topics. The paper should contain an introduction with a thesis statement, a body where the comparisons and contrasts are discussed, and a conclusion.
Just like any other essay, a compare and contrast essay needs a thesis statement. The thesis statement should not only tell your reader what you will do, but it should also address the purpose and importance of comparing and contrasting the material.
A compare and contrast essay takes two opposing concepts. It examines them from all angles, with the author having to pick up on subtle differences or conversely unexpected similarities between the subjects rather than obvious things. What role does the thesis play in all this
The thesis is a summary of your subsequent arguments. It also introduces your readers to the argument and lets them know what to expect next. Formulating a thesis statement will make creating your compare-and-contrast essay structure and outline easier. Putting together the main idea of your paper in one or two sentences can be tricky; nevertheless, with its help, you can gradually reveal your thoughts and develop new arguments.
Before you begin constructing your thesis statement, you need to determine your goal and what you will be comparing. It would help if you also determined which of the two ways you will write a compare and contrast essay.
A comparative essay is also known as compare and contrast essay or a comparison essay. It analyzes two subjects by either comparing them, contrasting them, or both. The Venn diagram is the best tool for writing a paper about the comparison between two subjects.
Moreover, a comparative analysis essay discusses the similarities and differences of ideas, items, events, views, places, concepts, etc. For example, you can compare two different novels (e.g., The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Red Badge of Courage).
Therefore, it is necessary to organize your essay so that the reader can easily go through the comparisons made in an essay. The following are the two main methods in which you can organize your comparative essay.
Create a list of similarities and differences between two subjects that you want to include in the essay. Moreover, this list helps you decide the basis of your comparison by constructing your initial plan. Evaluate the list and establish your argument and thesis statement.
In this section, you need to restate the thesis statement and summarize the main points. Also, remind the reader why it is important to compare these two particular subjects. However, try to avoid writing any additional information in the conclusion of the essay.
This step involves identifying what will feature in your essay. It involves identifying the similarities and differences of the items in comparison. You need to develop a list of ways in which the subjects are the same and how they are different. This list will enable you to develop the initial plan of the essay.
The list should be thoroughly evaluated so that only the main points of comparison are considered for the essay. The focus should be mainly on the points that are related and those that are of less significance should be canceled.
In order to come up with the thesis statement, you should first look at the list containing the various aspects of comparison then decide whether the subjects tend to be more similar or they are quite different. Based on this judgment a simple comparative essay thesis statement should be developed. This thesis statement should be a reflection of how the subjects share similarities and how they are different. In complex cases, the essay statement should highlight both the similarities of the subjects while not forgetting their differences.
Essays have different structures. A comparative essay is therefore not an exception since it must be organized in such a way that the comparisons made in the essay can be easily followed by the reader.
In this method, the aspect of comparison if fully handled in one paragraph. What this means is that a full paragraph is used in explaining in detail one item of comparison in relation to the first subject. This will then be followed by another paragraph that also explicitly explains the same aspect but now it deals with the second subject. This is to say that the first and second paragraph explains the same aspect of comparison but deals with the first and second subject respectively. This therefore means the third and fourth paragraph will be dealing with another aspect but for the first and second subject respectively. This sequence goes on until the end of the essay.
This is quite the easiest method though very dangerous. The basic principle here is to divide the essay into two parts. The first part devoted to one subject and the second part devoted to the other subject. This means that subject one and all the items of comparison involved are explain in the first part then the second part handles only subject two.
The introduction paragraph is mainly about giving the reader a glimpse of the essay in terms of its content and the expectation of the reader. It should therefore be simple and clear. It should also have a thesis statement that highlights the purpose of the essay and what is going to be discussed not forgetting a simple conclusion.
Students have to write thesis statements for compare and contrast essays to demonstratetheir critical thinking and analytical skills. You need a good hook for this type of essayto capture the reader's interest right from the start.
Make sure you choose an interesting angle for these subjects or ideas to expound on in youressay. Depending on the assignment brief provided by your instructor, you can narrow downyour focus based on what is required for your paper or choose the angle that deliversmaximum impact for your thesis statement.
When choosing your focus for the essay, think about its relevance to the course. Think abouthow you can make your paper interesting and informative. Is there anything of value you canget out of the comparison of the two items
Writing a thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay can be tricky because it shouldcreate a focused argument. It should provide your readers with a roadmap of the key pointsdiscussed within the academic paper.
As you can see from the both bad examples, they are lacking when it comes to providingspecific details about each fast-food chain. Your instructor might require additionaldetails to support your thesis statement.
A compare and contrast essay examines two or more topics (objects, people, or ideas, for example), comparing their similarities and contrasting their differences. You may choose to focus exclusively on comparing, exclusively on contrasting, or on both-or your instructor may direct you to do one or both.
You may find that you need to create several of these diagrams before you know what your thesis is and what your two subjects are. Be open to different possibilities. The first two subjects you diagram may not be the ones you want to compare and contrast in your essay, but creating that diagram may give you some useful ideas.
Unlike the Point-by-Point Method that organizes a compare and contrast essay based on specific criteria of comparison, the Block compare and contrast essay structure implies organizing the paper based on your items. This approach will work best when the subjects of comparison are absolutely different and you have multiple criteria against which you will be contrasting them. In this case, every paragraph in the essay body will focus on a specific item. 153554b96e
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