Dragon Age Nude Mods _VERIFIED_
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If you've never played BioWare games before, or if you've just never played Dragon Age, this mod has the best story writer at BioWare trying to change things up a bit. In this mod you can now make choices that don't really lead anywhere in most cases, and make more of an impact on the story. You will get more dialogue options and have more control on who you like, while still being able to trigger different scenes in the game. Save often.
Dragon Age: Inquisition offers many options for the player to customize the appearance of their characters. While some of those customization options are restricted to specific races and classes, the player can easily get a full change to the appearance of their character, including hair color, hair length, skin color, outfit and armor, even male and female genitalia. However, some elements are restricted to specific races and classes.
If you like a particular design, this mod will allow you to replace the default textures for most of the characters and objects, including magical items, potions, and food. It also provides a few new recipes, plus a new forge site for making equipment and weapons. These mods are compatible with any of the mods mentioned above and with each other, so you can choose which one you want. Save often.
Once you have the options above in place, you can change the appearance of your character. However, this mod offers a lot more and makes it easy to customize your companion and advisor. Most of the options are cosmetic in nature, with a few gameplay adjustments.
This mod adds a large amount of content that makes a lot of things possible when playing the game. Well-known DAO developers have made changes to the game like adding new NPC dialogues, tweaking and adding new items to the game, and adjusting gameplay mechanics.
The second best mod for Dragon Age: Inquisition is the Companions of the Long Night from Nexus. The Companions of the Long Night (or CoLN) allows for you to make your companions a little more powerful.
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