How To Get Massive YouTube
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Do you like seeing massive ads that take up half of your TV screen? No? Too bad, because you'll soon be forced to watch the company's signature Masthead ads on your television's YouTube app. This is bound to be a huge moneymaker for our pals at Google.
In fact, a video receiving 1000 views would likely make around $0.50 - $1. They would know this if these investigative journalists had done more than Google "how much does youtube pay per 1000 views" (probably autocompleted too) and reading a 2014 article by which appears in first position.
For example, Facebook reported in January 2016 that their users were consuming an average of 100 million hours of video on the platform every day, while Netflix, which has seen massive growth in recent times, says that 116 million hours of video content is viewed every 24 hours on their system. Both of these are way off YouTube's number - even considering that these metrics have likely increased since then (there's been no revised numbers released), the likelihood of them being even close is not high.
def agree here. tried numerous times to have our independent publishing company with over 100 songs to get a youtube content id account and failed. Had to take a less direct route to get things done, but still glad to be a part of it.
I am not sure you understand what it would take for ISPs to implement ContentID like services. This would not be a trivial task. It would require massive infrastructure changes and cause massive contention with their customers, likely resulting in costly class actions. 2b1af7f3a8