Kip Thorne Black Holes And Time Warps Pdf Download =LINK=
Some of the photons escape, but not many. The photons that escape the black hole have been heated up by the friction of entering the black hole. Some of these photons, however, are still at the same temperature as the black hole, and they carry away the energy of the black hole. This energy is radiated away into space.
When we see the eclipse of the Earth by the black hole—with the Earth then being torn apart and dragged into the black hole and disappearing—we see the surface of the black hole, which is curved like a football, and the light from the Sun has been bent around it. The Sun's photons are reflected and refracted as they travel toward the black hole. Once they reach the rim of the black hole, there's no more bending, and the photons fall in, with their original directions restored.
But the photons are pulled inward by the black hole's gravity, and they are deflected through 180 degrees as they fall. There is no way back, and they continue to fall. Eventually they collide with the black hole, which is basically a hot lump of matter, and they are completely absorbed. This is an extremely violent collision.
Cinematic genius Christopher Nolan (Interstellar will be released December 7, 2014) deftly combines science with the allure of the unknown, and the movie's visual effects are stunning. And the fact that it is science that makes this movie so thrilling is no accident. The visual effects were created by a team of more than 150 people, 50 percent of them in London. The effects produced by Double Negative, the company that won the Oscar for the visual effects of The Dark Knight in 2008, included the entire sequence of the black hole swallowing the Earth. They also are responsible for the swirling wormhole in the movie.
Thorne is Professor of Astrophysical Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has been widely published in theoretical physics, including the award-winning textbook Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy (with Kip Thorne and John Archibald Wheeler). He's also the co-author of The Dancing Universe: The New Physics of Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown (recently published in a paperback edition ), where he explains how the universe is a dynamic and never-ending process of spontaneous symmetry breakdown (SSB).
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