Melsoft Iq Works
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In case of any uninstall problems, try to remove all files, registry items and entries of MELSOFT iQ Works related to it manually. It may not easy for a beginner. Hence, you may download an uninstaller tool to help you. Download and install the “MELSOFT iQ Works Uninstaller” to quickly uninstall MELSOFT iQ Works. Then run the tool to manually cleanup. Click here to download MELSOFT iQ Works Uninstaller.
Windows 7 and other Windows Vista computer users can go to Start Menu > Search > Then type %AppData% to locate the AppData folder. Drag and drop the created.inf file to the AppData folder. Now, the files created by MELSOFT iQ Works will be removed. One more step, delete MELSOFT iQ Works' shortcut icon in the Start Menu.
Hi mister Gosselin, i have to say that removing the 2 registry keys i mentioned is not enough, i need to show you this so you can have a look at it and tell me what to do, i need your help please because i haven't time to fix my system to return it to work 7211a4ac4a