Paula Peril Comics 19
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The most significant social change in the history of comics would come from the Code itself, however. While it is a self-regulating effort, it also operates in opposition to the industry's self-interest. The Comics Code is a non-profit organization, which means that it has no stake in what it is approving or denying. Its purpose is to make the industry more inclusive to the mainstream.
The industry followed Murphy's lead. Upon his passing in 1996, the Code was revised and is now overseen by a self-perpetuating board of five people, all with one foot in the industry, one foot out, and one foot in the public eye. It is the most closely guarded and scrutinized body that the comic-book business has ever seen. The other four members are the president, chief executive officer, the president of the board of directors, and the president of the Association of American Publishers. For the past decade, the Code has been headed up by Paul Levitz, a longtime industry veteran, but in September 2014, Larry Lieber, the long-time editor of Marvel Comics, replaced him.
Before Murphy came on the scene, comics were solely the province of adults and, as such, they were generally looked down on by the broader society. Murphy, who is now 93 years old, still lives in an apartment in Manhattan. He was born in New York City in 1920. He graduated from Columbia Law School and became a trial lawyer, specializing in juvenile delinquency cases. A graduate of the famed Actors Studio, he became a regular on television and radio programs. In 1966, Murphy founded the Center for Juvenile and Criminal Justice in New York City. In addition to his work on juvenile delinquency, he advised the U.S. government on juvenile crime in Vietnam, and he was the inspiration for the Oscar-winning film The Accused. He still reads comic books.
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