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ELM 7.0.1 SR1 iFix018 is available with Log4j2 updates. This interim fix requires full installation and is the prerequisite for future incremental interim fixes. For more information, see IBM Support portal.
After the installation, complete the steps in the Jazz Team Server setup wizard, which is available at https://fully_qualified_host_name:9443/jts/setup (where fully_qualified_host_name is the domain for your server).
When preparing the 6.5.0 release, it was forgotten to bump theVRT_MAJOR_VERSION number defined in the vrt.h include file. This majorversion bump is needed due to the API and ABI changes as part of therelease, to make sure that VMODs are not allowed used if they werecompiled for the wrong Varnish version.
SummarySBS is notifying you of a vulnerability impacting the CatDV Server software. There is a known CVE (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) related to this issue, which has been publicly disclosed and assigned ID number CVE-2021-26705. Under certain active session conditions, this vulnerability may be able to be exploited to allow an attacker to gain administrative level access to the CatDV Server system and it is therefore mandatory that all CatDV Server users upgrade to the latest versions to avoid any unauthorized access.
SolutionThere is a mandatory upgrade for all CatDV Server users, most critically for internet accessible systems. The fix for this vulnerability has been made in all recent, major versions of the CatDV Server.
If you are currently running any version of Server 6 please upgrade to Server 6.10.7 If you are currently running a version of Server between 7.0.1 and 7.3.5 please upgrade to Server 7.3.6 If you are currently running a version of Server between 7.4.1 and 7.4.3 please upgrade to Server 8.0.8 If you are currently running a version of Server 8 please upgrade to Server 8.0.8 If you are currently running any version of Server 9 please upgrade to Server 9.3.2 or later
There is a self-guided installation process included as part of the software, though if you do need assistance please contact support@catdv.com stating upgrade assistance required, and the CatDV technical support team will provide a guided upgrade.
Ensure that you back up the server before you begin your upgrade, and confirm the backup has been successful. Catalina Support:If you are running Catalina, details on how to install CatDV products can be found here. Big Sur Support:If you are running Big Sur, you will need to install Worker 8.1.6 onwards and Desktop 13.0.14 onwards. You may need to right-click and choose Open rather than double-click to launch. Apple M1 Chip Support:CatDV Desktop version 13.0.14, Server 9.3, and Worker 8.0.7 and above are Apple M1 compatible, running in emulation mode under Rosetta. Please check the system requirements then choose the version of CatDV, Pegasus, CatDV Server, Worker Node, or other products you want from the links below.
Welcome to the official release of CatDV 14. Download the appropriate version of CatDV for your platform and follow the instructions in the Read Me files. These downloads are the real application and depend on a registration code to function; without a registration, CatDV will operate as a free time-and feature-limited demo. Codes are issued on-line once you purchase a license. Please contact us if you require a fully functional time-limited evaluation license for a more thorough test prior to purchase. To use the latest version of CatDV you will normally require a license purchased within the past three months or be under a current software maintenance agreement. Details on how to add enhanced support for PDF files making them viewable on CatDV desktop can be found here.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR SERVER 6 USERS: CatDV Server 7 and onwards stores its metadata in a different way from previous versions or CatDV Server. The upgrade process must, therefore, migrate your data from the old format to the new format. This step cannot be undone so it is vital that your data is properly backed up before you start in case it becomes necessary to roll back your installation. Please make sure you read the information on the following link before upgrading more information on Server 7 upgrade.
The CatDV Worker Node, is available to registered users only. As a prerequisite to installing Worker 9 for Linux, you will need to ensure that library is installed. A quick google search will point you in the direction of where you can download it. Please contact us if you require further information or would like an evaluation copy. Please note that for users without a current maintenance support contract, Worker 8 is a paid upgrade and you will need a new license code to activate it. Details on how to add enhanced support for PDF files making them viewable in CatDV desktop can be found here. Details on how to install CatDV products if you are using OSX Catalina can be found here.
This is where all the development happens. Only for hard-core hackers or for folks who need to test the latest features or performance improvements. As this is an experimental build, it's not guaranteed to be fit for production deployment.
Redis 5.0 (GA October 2018) introduced the new stream data type, sorted set blocking pop operations, LFU/LRU info in RDB, a cluster manager in redis-cli, active defragmentation V2, better HyperLogLogs, and many other improvements.
During cypress open, the ability to "Run all specs" and "Run filtered specs"has been removed. Please leave feedback around the removal of this featurehere. Your feedbackwill help us make product decisions around the future of this feature.
The experimental Cypress Studio feature has been removed. Please leavefeedback around the removal of this featurehere. Your feedbackwill help us make product decisions around the future of this feature.Addressed in #20515.
The Windows version of ImageMagick is self-installing. Simply click on the appropriate version below and it will launch itself and ask you a few installation questions. Versions with Q8 in the name are 8 bits-per-pixel component (e.g. 8-bit red, 8-bit green, etc.), whereas, Q16 in the filename are 16 bits-per-pixel component. A Q16 version permits you to read or write 16-bit images without losing precision but requires twice as much resources as the Q8 version. Versions with dll in the filename include ImageMagick libraries as dynamic link libraries. Unless you have a Windows 32-bit OS, we recommend this version of ImageMagick for 64-bit Windows:
Changed the resolution order for google-services.json file to bestrictly inside-out. Specifically, deeper directories will always bechecked first for the configuration file before more shallow directories. Thisis a change from the previous behavior, where some shallow directories werechecked before deeper ones, making the order inconsistent and difficult topredict.
There are several changes to the Phone Authentication & Phone assecond-factor flows. The default flows now rely onSafetyNet to doapplication identity verification, and fall back to a web-based reCAPTCHAflow. For more details about setup, refer to thePhone Authentication getting started guide.
We'll have these issues fixed in the near future. Until then, here are a few self-serve fixes that involve including an additional library into your build based on the ML library that you're using. If you're using more than one of these faulty libraries, make sure to include each corresponding fix.
Fixed a bug that was causing silent failures in apps that use thedeprecated FirebaseInstanceId#getToken() method without providing therequired values for FirebaseOptions: API key, Firebase project ID, andapplication ID. Now, if any required value is missing, it throws anIllegalArgumentException.
Resolved issue where setting Byte Arrays viaFirebaseRemoteConfig.setDefaultsAsync(int),FirebaseRemoteConfig.setDefaultsAsync(Map)and their synchronous counterparts would cause getByteArray to return anobject reference instead of the Byte Array. Byte Arrays set via theFirebase console were unaffected by this bug.
Please note that the versions listed here are for Cordova's Android package,cordova-android, and not for theCordova CLI. To determine what version of Cordova's Android package is installedin your Cordova project, run the command cordova platform ls in the directorythat holds your project.
There is also support to mix and match command line arguments and parameters inbuild.json. Values from the command line arguments will get precedence.This can be useful for specifying passwords on the command line.
Your application is susceptible to being destroyed by the OS whenever it leavesthe sight of the user. There are two main situations in which this can occur.The first and most obvious case is when the user presses the home button orswitches to another application.
However, there is a second (and much more subtle) case that certain plugins canintroduce. As noted above, Cordova applications are usually confined to thesingle activity that contains the Webview. However, there are instances in whichother activities may be launched by plugins and temporarily push the Cordovaactivity to the background. These other Activities are typically launched inorder to perform a specific task using a native application installed on thedevice. For example, the Cordova camera pluginlaunches whatever camera activity is natively installed on the device in orderto take a photo. Reusing the installed camera application in this way makes yourapplication feel much more like a native app when the user tries to take aphoto. Unfortunately, when the native Activity pushes your app to the backgroundthere is a chance the OS will kill it.
In the examples above, the javascript events that are fired are noted initalics. These events are your opportunity to save and restore yourapplication's state. You should register callbacks in your application'sbindEvents function that respond to the lifecycle events by saving state. Whatinformation you save and how you save it is left to your discretion, but youshould be sure to save enough information so that you can restore the user toexactly where they left off when they return to your application. 2b1af7f3a8