Save Full Card Yugioh Ps1
Three memory cards are required for this trick. One can be a PlayStation 2 memory card if needed. Refer to the memory cards as A, B, and C. Insert memory cards A and C. Memory card A should have the cards you want to duplicate. Copy the Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories saved game file to memory card C. Start a game and insert memory card B. This memory card be should also have a game in it with a different I.D. Trade the cards that you want from memory card A to memory card B, then reset the game. Return to the PlayStation memory manager and copy the saved game file from memory card C and put it back in memory card A. Memory card A should now have your old file with all the cards that you traded to memory card B. Next, go to trade and put all the cards you traded to memory card B into memory card A. If done correctly, you should have doubled the cards that you wanted.
The following trick gives you extra cards for free without dueling or using starchips. You need two memory cards. Refer to the memory cards as A and B. Memory card A must have a save file on it. Insert memory card B into memory card slot one and start a new game. Save that game to memory card B, then reset the game. Go to the build deck menu and take all the cards you want out of your deck and exit the menu. Save your game and reset the PlayStation. Insert memory card A into memory card slot two. Go into the trade menu and select all the cards (or as many as you can) from memory card B and press Square on controllers one and two. A menu will appear. Press X to select "Trade", then "Yes". You will now have all the cards from memory card B (that you traded) in memory card A.
Unfortunately, no. pSX doesn't use the MCR format for memory card files, which is the format that other PSX emulators use. And pSX save states definitely can't be transferred since save states are always exclusive to the emulator it came from.
Two complete blocks are reserved to deal with the possibility of the memory card being removed by the user when data is being saved. Writing data to card requires erasing and reprogramming an entire block
PSV is a PS2 savegame in "PS3 format". When exporting a save from a PS2 internal memory card to a USB device the Game Saves are converted to a .PSV file in PS3 format. The name of the exported file is the identifier of the block on Hexa format
When exporting Game Saves for "PS2 classics" (CATEGORY 2P) to a external USB drive there is a "rare" PARAM.SFO exported. This PARAM.SFO seems to be a copy of the main PARAM.SFO from the installed game folder with an added "signature" "injected" at the end of the file (out of his structure) with a length of 20 bytes. Is supposed to be a security feature when exporting the gamesave, is not confirmed if this PARAM.SFO (with the injected "signature" out of his structure) exists in the internal HDD (when importing, or present at some time with the "PS2 virtual memory cards").
Three memory cards are required for this trick. One can be a PlayStation2 memory card if needed. Refer to the memory cards as A, B, and C. Insert memory cards A and C. Memory card A should have the cards you want to duplicate. Copy the Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories saved game file to memory card C. Start a game and insert memory card B. This memory card be should also have a game in it with a different I.D. Trade the cards that you want from memory card A to memory card B, then reset the game. Return to the PlayStation memory manager and copy the saved game file from memory card C and put it back in memory card A. Memory card A should now have your old file with all the cards that you traded to memory card B. Next, go to trade and put all the cards you traded to memory card B into memory card A. If done correctly, you should have doubled the cards that you wanted.The following trick gives you extra cards for free without dueling or using starchips. You need two memory cards. Refer to the memory cards as A and B. Memory card A must have a save file on it. Insert memory card B into memory card slot one and start a new game. Save that game to memory card B, then reset the game. Go to the build deck menu and take all the cards you want out of your deck and exit the menu. Save your game and reset the PlayStation. Insert memory card A into memory card slot two. Go into the trade menu and select all the cards (or as many as you can) from memory card B and press Square on controllers one and two. A menu will appear. Press X to select "Trade", then "Yes". You will now have all the cards from memory card B (that you traded) in memory card A.
This witch is the only human-like fusion card good enough to be on this list. It can save you during the early game, as the cards it needs are easy to gather. This monster card also has a special summon condition that you can take advantage of.
I have a playstation 2 and for some reason when I load the game using the memory I cannot retrieve the saved data. I have a problem with slot 1 so I try to load on slot 2 but the message comes up no memory card in slot 1. All my sons saved games are on the memory card which we can'talk load. Do you have any ideas?
I also came across this, my slot 2 works for PS2 but slot 1 not. Which then lead me to opening the PS2 and i carefully looked at memory slots and managed to notice that the pins which connect to memory card were not fully in contact with it. I simply took console apart and took the metal cover off or even carefully bent it then used a needle to release or unbend the pins which were not popped up properly. After that put in memory card in the slot to ensure that pins are in contact with memory card which then assemble back the PS2, switch it and success the slot one detected and I am able to play I hope this is helpful. If need something to know just ask.
Start your journey with a limited selection of weaker cards at your disposal. Earn ever more powerful cards by grinding and progressing your way up through a series of 86 duels, based on the Duel Monsters era of the game, each carefully crafted with a challenging and meaningful progression curve in mind.
Taking place centuries before the manga, anime, and card game series, Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories casts you as the ancient Egyptian ancestor of Yugi. Egypt is beset by impending doom, and only by unravelling the mysteries of the Shadow Game and the seven magical totems can you hope to save the land. Forbidden Memories features cards straight from the card game, which you can use to duel and trade with your friends. 2b1af7f3a8